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Wow Malaysian singer Aina Abdul featured on Times Square billboard in New York

Malaysian singer Aina Abdul is on cloud nine the past few weeks with her music career making leaps and bounds.

Fresh after winning Best Vocals and Popular Singers (with Khai Bahar) in Anugerah Juara Lagu 36 earlier this month, Aina has another success to celebrate.

The 28-year-old, whose full name is Nur Aina Abdul Ghani, has been chosen by Spotify to front its Equal Singapore and Malaysia programme where she was featured on Times Square billboard in New York, the United States, recently.

Aina posted the photo of the Times Square billboard ad on her Instagram on March 25.

“Still finding words to describe this precious moment! Thank you team who made it possible with me!

“To be on board with some of the best female musicians for the EQUAL campaign still feels surreal to me! To another milestone!” she wrote.

Equal is the streaming giant’s global programme fostering equity for women in music. Last year, Spotify picked Malaysian girl group Dolla and 19-year-old Layla Sania for the programme.

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“This exposure is good for me to be introduced globally. Although the programme is only for a month, I am grateful for this opportunity which is hard to come by,” Aina told a Malay-language portal.

Last month, Aina found out that her English single Fool was picked up by a Japanese radio station for airplay.

“I have no idea how my song got to the playlist or who requested for it but it is such a honour for me,” she said.

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